Below is a picture history of the building of the backyard ramp. Backyard ramps are so much fun. The main goal for this ramp (aside from somehow making it level) was to make it have some different things. The extensions go almost to vert, mellow quarter on one of the decks, and the rainbow. My plan is to keep building odd add ons for this ramp. Already planned is another quarter (super steep) on the big deck, a sub box, and possibly building a big bank ramp off of the high side of the flat bottom next summer. Enjoy the pics, then get ahold of me when you are ready to enjoy the ramp.
In the Beginning...
Lots of pieces of wood laying everywhere
this van has almost 200,000 miles but how can you get rid of a van that can carry a family of 5 or full 4x8 sheets of plywood
Phase I. This was how far we had gotten when I came to the realization we were going to have to move the ramp 4' more from the fence line.
Looking down from above. Still before the move
After the move. Now layering has started and it is starting to feel like this ramp may get completed.
The paperwork that states my ramp is legal to have.
Pics of me and TJ putting up the back deck (about 10' of the ground on the high side)
Glorious. Plywood on and starting skatelite
Enjoying a night time session after the large deck was put on. After some debating we decided to go with an 8x16 deck with an 8' wide 2' high quarter pipe on top.
The beginning of the rainbow. this is gonna be fun